Trad-Digital Marketing and Your Business (5th)

The Hybrid Your Company Needs to Thrive

How a good mix of old and new marketing will pave the path to success.

In the final of our series of blog posts on‘Trad-digital marketing,’ we show you why your company’s marketing strategy must evolve to help you stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

In these early days of 2019, many companies are embracing the start of a new year by launching innovative marketing initiatives, or simply looking at ways to freshen up strategies that have been working for them over the last twelve months. If you are one of these companies, we hope that this series of blog posts has given you food for thought about how to take your marketing to the next level.

If not, then it's time for some straight talk. There are always companies that operate on the old saying, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ The problem is that even though nothing may be broken, it doesn’t mean that it’s working at the level required for continued success. Ambitious companies who want to be leaders within their industry are utilizing the latest technologies to reach their goals. Embracing the opportunities offered by trad-digital marketing is a big part of this.

Think about what used to work 25 years ago and how much of that still survives. Trade shows are few and far between, massive direct mail campaigns with negligible proof of ROI are no longer viable, and sales staff making multiple customer visits while racking up huge travel expenses are now among the precious few.

Some of the ‘old ways’ still have an important role to play, but getting the right mix is essential. Creating a vibrant marketing strategy that integrates well-designed, professional websites, social media, focused events, direct mail campaigns with strong supporting digital processes, SMS messaging, and all of the components that make up effective ‘drip campaigns’ is the present and the future. Failure to embrace these changes and to continually keep your marketing strategy up to date can leave you lagging behind.

If you’re still wondering whether you really need to embrace these new integrated strategies, check out what your competitors are doing. If they are already riding the trad-digital marketing wave, you have to get up to speed or fall farther behind. If they are not, then the opportunity for you to start putting them in your rear-view mirror is there for the taking.

For companies who wish to take this step but don’t have the specialized staff, this can feel overwhelming. How would you find the time? Who could take on the work internally? That’s where specialized marketing companies and print shops come in. Not only do they have the capabilities and skill sets in print and digital marketing, but they understand your industry as well as you do. Partnering with companies like these will allow you to move forward with effective trad-digital marketing strategies and grow your business, without the risks involved with taking on specialist staff or putting the burden on existing employees.

The future is trad-digital marketing, and that future is now. Are you ready?

Want to move your business forward with cutting-edge marketing strategies, but don’t know where to start? Create-A-Card and DriveProfit will work with you to develop and implement effective trad-digital strategies that utilize the latest marketing trends along with specialized knowledge and expertise of the chauffeured transportation industry.

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Trad-Digital Marketing and Your Business (5th)